The USS Mistakes Were Made.


Well, after today I can say I have most definitely expanded my knowledge of the word humility. Or was it oops. Eh, it was a mix of both. I spent the majority of yesterday lining up and drilling holes to attach yet another side plank to our dingus. Dinghy. You know. Instead we rushed and mixed the epoxy wrong, twice. And even after that issue was fixed we ran into problems when trying to screw it in so it would stay in place for the epoxy to dry. The problem wasn’t with dinghy, it was with me and the epoxy. You see, I happened to get three phone calls while I was tightening the plank down. And at some point during my vocal explosion at the person on the other end of the conversation I apparently face planted into the epoxy without realizing it. The funny part was the fact that I had no idea until my teacher came in and asked me what the junk I had on my face, which turned out to be marine grade epoxy on my face, and in my hair. That’s where the oops comes in. Did I mention this was yesterday’s mistake?

Todays mistake is what you see in those lovely pictures shown above. The kicker is that two mistakes are shown in that picture. The first are those Grand Canyon sized grooves I accidentally put there when the electric planer decided it was hungrier than usual and wanted to drive itself to lunch! The second mistake is the fact that the planks are flush and smooth, it’s not supposed to be like that. Go figure. I praised God for a bit when we had enough left over plywood to make an even better side plank than we started with. I praised God even longer when my teacher didn’t yell at me when I more than deserved it. I suppose that’s where the humility comes in, and the grace. Sometimes us experienced knuckleheads are the ones who make the biggest mistakes, I know I’ve made more than my share!

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