Short update for week 15

After two weeks of hard work, planking is almost done, which means our dinghy can soon be floating on Lake Michigan (just floating) ! Really excited for this! So let’s talk about planking. Planking is not an easy task, even though we thought it was easy before. Planking is not simply attaching the plank to the frame, it is way more than that. Planking can be painful when the planks are not in correct length or size, that’s one of the obstacles we encountered. We figured out that the sheer planks were also short, so again, I have to deal with tapering and the messy epoxy.


 Ross and me spent few days on positioning the hull planks and gluing them to place. Matt and Ryan were still dealing with the mast, I guess they are really enjoying it! Jacob processed the dagger board, and he also helped Matt and Ryan with the mast. 

I apologize for the fact that I did not take enough photos these two weeks. I promise there will be more next week. 


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